Monday, November 28, 2005

Been a long time since my last post.. shall fill u in on what ive been up to for mi holss.

havent done any homework... lol.. i guess thats wrong right? i might be rushing stuff after christmas again...

got Wheel Of Time - Knife of Dreams from kenneth.. my read speed maxes out at 30 pages per hour... so.. i havent finished it. spent super long on it already. BTW.. this is the ELEVENTH book in the series. ^^

Got hooked on warcraft 3 RPGs.. find myself on custom games looking for RPGs hosted by americans.. and then spending hours on them.. and if i like them.. i host them myself =D.. and spend even more time on them XP.

Tried to find a WheelOfTime MUD (MUD = Multi-User Domain) so i can play a fun RPG haha,, but the one i played was boring and i found myself playing an old MUD called AardWolf... that had nothing to do with my Wheel Of Time quarry in the first place -_-" i played it for 17 hours...not all at once.. but within 3 days. lol

been trying to find (or rather my brother has been trying) a 'good' WorldOfWarcraft private server.. but to no avail. and by 'good' i mean playable ping/latency below 3000... the best one we found had 2000+ latency, and some questors were buggy... that was all "bearable", except it was in French. -_-"

haha ive been quite fruitless in my holiday exploits... hm. theres a ricsc camp next wk.. but since its a computer science club camp... i will have a computer! =D and its a leisure camp... i will have fun and games! =D i wuv CSC.

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